Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

This next sentence is probably more enjoyable to you, the reader, if you imagine it spoken the way I do; that is, as if I were in a drunken stupor of some sort.

I have a lot of things to say about On Stranger Tides.

Okay, don't read the rest of this review in that same voice; I am catagorically sober for this review (and for the movie).  Since there be spoilers in these waters, I will hide them from the main page behind a handy little page break.  Maybe read some of the review in a pirate voice.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Star Wars: Death Star Review

So I finished Star Wars: Death Star last weekend.  The book was okay - it had its moments, but ultimately feels like a novelty item, so to speak.  The characters were fun enough, but not exactly what I'd hoped.  And the writing wasn't the greatest - there was a lot of repetition going on, mostly to reinforce themes and ideas, but it came across to me more as, "Okay, I know what you're saying - you've said it five times now, maybe you could move the story along?"

It was things like the Death Star gunner questioning his morals before/after pulling the trigger on Alderaan.  It seemed like I was reading the same passage several different times across five different chapters.  I don't want to give it away, but if you read it, you'll know what I mean.

Anyway, I was entertained, but slightly disappointed; my expectations going in was that this was a book comprised of short stories.  That's not what I got, but I only feel half-cheated.

It's a fun enough read, so I'm not going to say "don't read it"; instead, I'll just say that if you don't read it, you're not missing out on anything important.

Friday, May 6, 2011

What's the point?

I've been doing some more thinking about my creative processes; this has all been spurned on by my attempts to come up with a submission to Machine of Death Volume 2.  Basically, at what point do you stop kidding yourself and stop trying to be a creative fiction writer?

I have the work ethic to maintain a decent blog, and occasional guest posts on another, but that seems to be the extent of the writing that comes relatively effortlessly.  I am usually pleased with the outcome of my "articles", but often I find myself questioning my writing when it comes to fiction.  I know this is "normal", but I find it hard to come up with original ideas and actually see them through to the end.

So, do I tell myself, "stick to what you can actually do" and stop trying to write fiction?  No, I don't think so.  I'm stubborn.  What I SHOULD do is go back to the basics.  Stop trying to write anything complicated and just write.  You know, this post is actually sounding a lot like one I just wrote a few weeks ago.

But sometimes I need to express these thoughts over and over so that they sink in.  I still plan on putting together a submission for Machine of Death 2, but it's going to be something simple and manageable.  I will be disappointed if it doesn't make the cut for published stories (there are already AT LEAST 30 submissions after all), but I will nevertheless hope for the best.

Wish me luck!  Oh, and if you're a writer reading this: submit something to MOD2.  I'm really looking forward to what everyone comes up with for round 2.